I am building an application that utilizes the user's GPS location. I am coding with Unity's LocationServices (i.e. Input.location.Start()) to get the user's GPS location on Android. I am able to build and run the sample GPS code found on Unity's website without Spaces but upon importing Spaces the Location service times out.
Unity 2022.3.33f1
Snapdragon Spaces 1.0.1
QCHT Unity Interactions 4.1.12
Minimum and Target API Level: Android 12.0 (API Level 32)
Build for Android where it displays the output GPS on a Text (TMP) GameObject (swap Debug.Log with TMP_Text.SetText). The build should show the user's GPS coordinates on the screen.
Import Snapdragon Spaces "QCHT Unity Interactions" and "Snapdragon Spaces" packages, configure player settings via the Configuration Tool.
Load the Snapdragon Spaces's "Core Samples".
Replace the "Main Menu"'s "UI Menu Spaces MainMenu Landscape"' buttons with the Text (TMP) created in step 2.
Build & Run
After 20 seconds the Text(TMP) GameObject should display "Timed out"
1 Comment
about 2 months ago
Hi Joshua,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Our team will investigate the information you provided and get back to you promptly with a response.
I am building an application that utilizes the user's GPS location. I am coding with Unity's LocationServices (i.e. Input.location.Start()) to get the user's GPS location on Android. I am able to build and run the sample GPS code found on Unity's website without Spaces but upon importing Spaces the Location service times out.
Unity 2022.3.33f1
Snapdragon Spaces 1.0.1
QCHT Unity Interactions 4.1.12
Minimum and Target API Level: Android 12.0 (API Level 32)
Steps to Reproduce: