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Spaces Anchor Store data


is it possible to save and load data from SpacesAnchorStore to our BE?

What we need, please see this example, and tell, if there is a feature in SnapdragonSpaces SDk for this:

-when the application starts, it recognizes there is a certain object, or user is in a certain place

-according to this recognition - Spatial Anchors are placed in preconfigured positions

Thanks in advance for the answer

Hi Tomasz,

In theory it should be possible to upload the persistent anchors to your backend. There are some limitations that I'm still checking on with the responsible engineering team.

  • Anchors are device specific. An Anchor created with A3 that's shared with may not work on VRX because Anchors are created with device specific parameters.
  • I'm also checking if the anchor data is stored in a location that is accessible for developers

We do have a cloud anchor feature on our public roadmap but no release date that I can share at the moment. Please contact your partner manager regarding more detailed roadmap information. 

Short update on this: It looks like it is possible in theory but not the intended use of the persistent Anchor API - hence not officially supported. We do not test or validate for this usecase. 

Hi @Simon,

I have two questions regarding the above:

1. Is it possible to save spatial anchor data files to the our cloud backend and later use those files to load anchors on different A3 glasses, allowing previously placed anchors to be shared across devices?

2. When saving spatial anchor data, is it possible to store point cloud data for a specific equipment (e.g., saving point cloud data of a turbine so that whenever I scan the turbine again, it loads the anchor)? Or does it only support plane detection point cloud data?

Certainly, that’s an excellent question. Allow us to conduct some research and we will get back to you with the information.

After careful consideration, the team has concluded that this functionality is not officially supported. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any further information on this matter.

Ok I need to discuss more related topic which handle by Spaces Anchor Store component.

I am going to create another ticket so I can discuss in detailed on Saved Anchor and Feature point with Snapdragon Team.


Dhruv Modh

Above public road map link not accessible.
Please check. 
