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How to use VPS (Visual Positioning System) indoors

We would like to display 3DCG, video, and image content on the floor and in the space as viewed through A3 glasses when approaching multiple areas of the showroom.

We are considering using VPS technology to make this happen.

Is VPS provided with the Snapdragon Spaces SDK?

Or is there any way to realize this in combination with other technologies (e.g. Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors)?

Hi Steve,

Thank you for explaining the practical methods currently available.

We also understand that you are currently working on developing the VPS to support the VPS feature.

VPS is not currently provided with Snapdragon Spaces SDK, best technique at the moment would either to be using Image Recognition with posters in the room to localize, or configure with local persistent spatial anchors (which would have to be per-device). We are working on solutions to resolve your specific use case but are not yet ready to release at this time.

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